Painting houses & working on the farm: 4/25/2016
Hey everyone!I hope you all are doing well! This one is going to have to be super short but I want to let you all know that I am doing great and love being a misisonary here in Denmark! We did a ton of service this week. We painted houses, helped people move, and cleaned out a Dairy Farm.
This past Saturday we played soccer with some members from a neighboring ward and that was absolutely a blast! It's funny how serving in Denmark has made me want to get good at soccer, wear tight clothes, roll up the cuffs of my pants, eat everything (yes including hamburgers) with a fork and a knife, shave the sides of my head, etc. I guess the Euro way of things is starting to rub off onto me.
We had stake conference this week which was awesome being able to see a bunch of members! Someone from the 70 spoke. He is from Spain, spoke in English but they had a danish translater standing next to him translating into Danish as he spoke. This week was a lot of fun but me and Æ. McBride and have realized we need to do a lot of finding to get this area up and going again! So huge focus on finding this week!
Thanks for all the love and support! I think of you all constantly, you all are in my thoughts and prayers and I hope you have a wonderful week! hej hej
Æ. Weese