Monday, February 1, 2016

No Pictures!!  1/25/2016

Hey Mom and Dad! Hope things are going great! Sounds like business as usual back home. First off, sorry for no photos this week. Somehow my camera, which has been way buggy, erased ALL of my pictures.... I'm so glad that I had backed the majority up on Google Drive, but yeah no photos for this past week:/ I want to figure out the best way to keep all my photos safe cause I DO NOT want to lose them haha. I'll find something though. Really quick about the money situation. I'm out of MSF for the month so I am using personal to buy groceries, and the couple big purchases were because I bought a cheep guitar, less that 100 bucks but my comp needed some money so I lent him some. He is paying me back today. I also bought a bag. But other than that it's just been food and a few things for members in the branch. But I have been checking my account online and making sure I am not spending too much:) Thanks though!!:)
The work has been good. We did have that mission training. World Wide mission training and were able to watch that. I left that feeling really motivated and ready to work on a lot of things. I learned a lot from that so it was great! Yeah so with names of investigators, It's not a rule, I just feel like it's best that we don't list names until they are baptized and stuff. Umm random fact, so as a mission right now we get .4 baptisms per missionary per year.... Yeah that's less then one, not even half! So we are trying really hard to get that up. "L" though is the investigator we have been working with. He is awesome! He is 18 years old and his family comes from somewhere in Africa. He has lived his whole life in Denmark though so he speaks great Danish! We are working with him to get baptized on the 20th of February. He has already been to church both times we invited him, he reads and prays about The Book of Mormon, and has shown a lot of progression. So I have extremely high hopes for him! The branch here has done a great job of fellowshipping him which I am truly grateful for!
I can't wait for spring and summer time! It's just been cold, dark, and wet here...but I am learning to love it haha. That's crazy to hear Donna works with Elder Gudmundson's older brother! What a small world right? Seeing those pictures has got me so trunky! What's up with Tommy doing all the fun stuff as soon as I leave?!? Sounds like you two have been extremely busy with your callings! That's great to hear that Jack has stepped up though and is helping out!
So church is always my favorite part of the week cause I love my branch! I really wish I could strengthen my relationship with them, but the language barrier makes it extremely hard. So our meeting house is on Lollandgades 1 6400.  Put that in Google maps and you can see a picture of it:) For sure not the same type of meeting houses we have back home haha. WAY smaller. Thank you so much for both of your emails:) Sorry that I couldn't send any pics. I love you both so much and miss you like crazy. You two have taught me a lot and I hope you know that I look up to both of you more than anyone else:) Have a great week and know you are in my thoughts and prayers!

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