Saturday, August 6, 2016

Training and a Temple Trip:  8/1/2016

Hey everyone! Hope you all are doing great:) This past week has been a pretty good one! It started off with Æ. Smith and I going to the mission home for his 30 Day-in training. He was the only elder in his group and he came with 6 sister missionaries, so there were a ton of sister missionaries haha. The training went really well though. Learned a lot (as a missionary you find yourself continually learning, even when you think you got some things figured out) and got really motivated to incorporate what I learned into my area, Holbæk. 

We were able to go to the temple in Copenhagen! That was probably the highlight of my week! I love attending the temple. I wish I was able to go every week. The spirit is so strong there.  Just bares testimony to me how God's true church, in it's fullness, is on the earth today. I am so thankful that I am a part of it.

After church yesterday, we had fællesspisning (like a ward lunch) Æ. Smith and I baked about 150 chocolate cookies and they were gone before we knew it! The members loved them:) Danes get the trophy for pastries but no one can beat a solid, American chocolate-chip cookie:) We had a lot of people in church and I was able to talk to a lot of different members. I love the members here in the ward I serve in. Roskilde menighed is full of kind, friendly, out going people.

I've felt pretty blessed this week. The work here in Holbæk has been on a rise. Æ. Smith and I have seen the Lord's hand working miracles to those we serve.  It's sad to hear and see all the unrest in the middle east. We have a lot of rules we have to follow to while teaching the refugees, but I love every opportunity I get to share the Gospel with them from that part of the world. I truly miss those I worked with in Sønderborg. I find myself thinking of them often, I pray that everything works out for them.

The weather has cooled down a tiny bit, near the end of the week we had some really good sized rain storms. Still pretty warm when the sun is out though. Crazy humid!! The humidity is what kills me.

Hope all is well for everyone back home!! Have a great week:)

Ældste Weese


  1. Hi !! my daughter just got to the Copenhagen Denmark mission a couple of weeks ago and I'm just wondering what is the best way to send her a package from the US ? Her name is sister Quinton . We are from Washington state, your son looks like he's having a great time ! Congrats ! You can personally email me at
    Thank you

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