Monday, December 14, 2015

Jule Frocost (Christmas lunch) 12/14/2015

Hey everyone! I hope you all have had a great week! This week has been pretty good for Ældste Jensen and I in Sønderborg! This weather has been beautiful this whole week! Pretty good sized rainstorms in the morning, but it has always cleared up to be sunshine and blue skies! I love it cause it definitely affects the people we contact! They are so much happier and willing to talk even if they aren't interested at all. So the weather has definitely been a tender mercy from the Lord and we have gotten a lot of great conversations from it. Still gets pretty cold!!
I was still pretty sick at the beginning of the week, like I was absolutely miserable, stuck in bed on Tuesday, but I feel 100 percent now! It definitely is the Christmas season and in Denmark it is so much fun! We ate with a member family near the beginning of this week and had a "Christmas meal" We ate what is called Risengrød, its like a super thick, hot, rice pudding that you eat with butter and cinnamon. It was sooo good and I ate way to much! After that we had Æbleskiver! Don't know how to explain it other than it tastes amazing! So Google it haha!
I love the members of the branch I am serving in so much! They are so friendly, caring, and our branch just feels like one big family! I feel extremely blessed to serve them. This Sunday was in fact our Jule Frocost (Christmas lunch) Another great meal with a bunch of fun activities for everyone. One of the members dressed up as Jule Man (Santa Clause) and we all sang and danced around the Jule Træ (Christmas tree) It was a blast:) Ældste Jensen and I made about 100 chocolate chip cookies and brought them to the lunch. Everybody loved them and asked "How in the world did you make this?!" The funny thing is Danes love chocolate chip cookies, they can't make them to save their life though. They make all these amazing pastries but can't grasp how to make chocolate chip cookies. They are so used to cooking something until it is completely done, so we tell them the key is to taking them out while they still look doughy haha. 
This week we did a lot of contacting! The missionary work still is really hard and we only have a couple investigators that have all hit a wall in their progression. We were able to do some great service that involved us building fences for a member's horses! I always love going out to her place and doing service.
I hope all of you have been doing great! Please keep in mind the true meaning of Christmas this year! It can be hard with how chaotic and commercialized it has become, but know that it is a great time to "Rejoice! For a Savior is born" I know that Jesus is the Christ, the son of our loving Heavenly Father. No man can return to live with God except by relying on the Atonement of Jesus Christ and living his gospel. He is here to strengthen our weaknesses, help us through sorrow and trial, and He truly loves each one of us!
I love you all and hope you have a great week! Vi ses
Ældste Weese fra Sønderborg Danmark

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